無料版 Snyk CLI チュートリアル(Code, OpenSource, Container, IaC)


Snyk はコード、オープンソースライブラリとその依存関係、コンテナやIaC(Infrastructure as Code) における脆弱性を見つてくれるサービス。

CICDパイプラインに組み込むこともできるが、その前にローカルで Snyk を実行してみる。

Snyk 無償・有償プラン

Snyk には無償・有償プランが存在する。

無償版 (Free)

  • Code (100 tests/month) : SAST。アプリケーションコードの脆弱性を発見
  • Open Source (200 tests/month) : SCA。オープンソースの脆弱性を発見
  • Container (100 tests/month) : コンテナイメージの脆弱性を発見
  • IaC (300 tests/month) : CSPM。Kubernetes、Helm、Terraformの設定ファイルの脆弱性を発見


  • License compliance : オープンソースのライセンス問題の発見
  • Cloud : CSPM
  • etc…

Snyk CLI 準備

Snyk アカウント作成

以下より Snyk アカウントを作成する。

Snyk CLI インストール

以下を参照し Snyk CLI をインストールする。

ローカル PC 上で Snyk CLI コマンド使えるようになったら認証する。

snyk auth

その他 CLI の使い方は以下を参照。

Snyk CLI 実践

Snyk Code

いわゆる Static Application Security Testing ( SAST ) 。


snyk code test


% snyk code test --all-projects

Testing /Users/xxxx/test-project ...

✔ Test completed

Organization:      xxxx
Test type:         Static code analysis
Project path:      /Users/xxxx/test-project


✔ Awesome! No issues were found.

Snyk OpenSource

OpenSource の脆弱性を発見する。
いわゆる SCA ( Software Composition Analysis ) 。

--all-projects を付けないとカレントディレクトリしかチェックしてくれない。

snyk test --all-projects


% snyk test --all-projects

Testing /Users/xxxx/test-project ...

Organization:      xxxx
Package manager:   npm
Target file:       package-lock.json
Project name:      nextjs-docker
Open source:       no
Project path:      /Users/xxxx/test-project
Licenses:          enabled

✔ Tested 277 dependencies for known issues, no vulnerable paths found.

Next steps:
- Run `snyk monitor` to be notified about new related vulnerabilities.
- Run `snyk test` as part of your CI/test.

Tested 1 projects, no vulnerable paths were found.

Snyk Container

Docker イメージ内の脆弱性をチェック。

docker ps -a などで Docker イメージ名を確認しコンテナスキャンを実行。

snyk container test nextjs-docker-next


% snyk container test nextjs-docker

Testing nextjs-docker...

✗ Low severity vulnerability found in openssl/libcrypto3
  Description: CVE-2022-4203
  Info: https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-ALPINE317-OPENSSL-3314648
  Introduced through: openssl/[email protected], openssl/[email protected], apk-tools/[email protected], busybox/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  From: apk-tools/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  and 4 more...
  Fixed in: 3.0.8-r0

✗ Low severity vulnerability found in openssl/libcrypto3
  Description: CVE-2022-4304
  Info: https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-ALPINE317-OPENSSL-3314659
  Introduced through: openssl/[email protected], openssl/[email protected], apk-tools/[email protected], busybox/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  From: apk-tools/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  and 4 more...
  Fixed in: 3.0.8-r0

✗ High severity vulnerability found in openssl/libcrypto3
  Description: NULL Pointer Dereference
  Info: https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-ALPINE317-OPENSSL-3314647
  Introduced through: openssl/[email protected], openssl/[email protected], apk-tools/[email protected], busybox/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  From: apk-tools/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  and 4 more...
  Fixed in: 3.0.8-r0

✗ High severity vulnerability found in openssl/libcrypto3
  Description: Use After Free
  Info: https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-ALPINE317-OPENSSL-3314650
  Introduced through: openssl/[email protected], openssl/[email protected], apk-tools/[email protected], busybox/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  From: apk-tools/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  and 4 more...
  Fixed in: 3.0.8-r0

✗ High severity vulnerability found in openssl/libcrypto3
  Description: Double Free
  Info: https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-ALPINE317-OPENSSL-3314657
  Introduced through: openssl/[email protected], openssl/[email protected], apk-tools/[email protected], busybox/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  From: apk-tools/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  and 4 more...
  Fixed in: 3.0.8-r0

✗ High severity vulnerability found in openssl/libcrypto3
  Description: NULL Pointer Dereference
  Info: https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-ALPINE317-OPENSSL-3314658
  Introduced through: openssl/[email protected], openssl/[email protected], apk-tools/[email protected], busybox/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  From: apk-tools/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  and 4 more...
  Fixed in: 3.0.8-r0

✗ High severity vulnerability found in openssl/libcrypto3
  Description: NULL Pointer Dereference
  Info: https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-ALPINE317-OPENSSL-3314660
  Introduced through: openssl/[email protected], openssl/[email protected], apk-tools/[email protected], busybox/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  From: apk-tools/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  and 4 more...
  Fixed in: 3.0.8-r0

✗ Critical severity vulnerability found in openssl/libcrypto3
  Description: Access of Resource Using Incompatible Type ('Type Confusion')
  Info: https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-ALPINE317-OPENSSL-3314651
  Introduced through: openssl/[email protected], openssl/[email protected], apk-tools/[email protected], busybox/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected]
  From: openssl/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  From: apk-tools/[email protected] > openssl/[email protected]
  and 4 more...
  Fixed in: 3.0.8-r0

Organization:      xxxx
Package manager:   apk
Project name:      docker-image|nextjs-docker
Docker image:      nextjs-docker
Platform:          linux/arm64
Licenses:          enabled

Tested 17 dependencies for known issues, found 8 issues.

Snyk wasn’t able to auto detect the base image, use `--file` option to get base image remediation advice.
Example: $ snyk container test nextjs-docker-next --file=path/to/Dockerfile

To remove this message in the future, please run `snyk config set disableSuggestions=true`

Snyk IaC

IaC の脆弱性をチェックする。

IaC コードが存在するディレクトリで実行する。

snyk iac test


% snyk iac test

Snyk Infrastructure as Code

✔ Test completed.


Low Severity Issues: 12

  [Low] ALB does not drop invalid headers
  Info:    The application load balancer is not set to drop invalid headers.
           Maliciously crafted headers may be accepted by the load balancer
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-405
  Path:    resource > aws_lb[for_webserver]
  File:    modules/alb/main.tf
  Resolve: Set `drop_invalid_header_fields` to `true`

  [Low] Load balancer is internet facing
  Info:    Load balancer is internet facing. Increases attack vector
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-48
  Path:    resource > aws_lb[for_webserver] > internal
  File:    modules/alb/main.tf
  Resolve: Set `internal` attribute to `true`

  [Low] AWS Security Group allows open egress
  Info:    The inline security group rule allows open egress. Open egress can be
           used to exfiltrate data to unauthorized destinations, and enable
           access to potentially malicious resources
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-73
  Path:    resource > aws_security_group[alb] > egress
  File:    modules/alb/main.tf
  Resolve: Set `egress.cidr_blocks` attribute to specific ranges e.g.

  [Low] CloudWatch log group not encrypted with managed key
  Info:    Log group is not encrypted with customer managed key. Scope of use of
           the key cannot be controlled via KMS/IAM policies
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-415
  Path:    resource > aws_cloudwatch_log_group[dockle_check] > kms_key_id
  File:    modules/codepipeline/cloudwatch.tf
  Resolve: Set `kms_key_id` attribute with customer managed key id

  [Low] CloudWatch log group not encrypted with managed key
  Info:    Log group is not encrypted with customer managed key. Scope of use of
           the key cannot be controlled via KMS/IAM policies
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-415
  Path:    resource > aws_cloudwatch_log_group[secrets_check] > kms_key_id
  File:    modules/codepipeline/cloudwatch.tf
  Resolve: Set `kms_key_id` attribute with customer managed key id

  [Low] S3 bucket versioning disabled
  Info:    S3 bucket versioning is disabled. Changes or deletion of objects will
           not be reversible
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-124
  Path:    resource > aws_s3_bucket[artifacts_store] > versioning > enabled
  File:    modules/codepipeline/s3.tf
  Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, set `versioning.enabled` attribute to
           `true`. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0, add aws_s3_bucket_versioning

  [Low] S3 bucket MFA delete control disabled
  Info:    S3 bucket will not enforce MFA login on delete requests. Object could
           be deleted without stronger MFA authorization
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-127
  Path:    resource > aws_s3_bucket[artifacts_store] > versioning > mfa_delete
  File:    modules/codepipeline/s3.tf
  Resolve: Follow instructions in `https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/u
           serguide/MultiFactorAuthenticationDelete.html` to manually configure
           the MFA setting. For AWS provider < v4.0.0 set
           `versioning.mfa_delete` attribute to `true` in aws_s3_bucket
           resource. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0 set
           'versioning_configuration.mfa_delete` attribute to `Enabled`. The
           terraform change is required to reflect the setting in the state file

  [Low] S3 server access logging is disabled
  Info:    The s3 access logs will not be collected. There will be no audit
           trail of access to s3 objects
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-45
  Path:    input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[artifacts_store] > logging
  File:    modules/codepipeline/s3.tf
  Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, add `logging` block attribute. For AWS
           provider >= v4.0.0, add aws_s3_bucket_logging resource.

  [Low] ECR repository is not encrypted with customer managed key
  Info:    ECR repository is not encrypted with customer managed key. Scope of
           use of the key cannot be controlled via KMS/IAM policies
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-418
  Path:    resource > aws_ecr_repository[foo] > encryption_configuration
  File:    modules/ecr/main.tf
  Resolve: Set `encryption_configuration.kms_key` attribute to customer managed
           KMS key

  [Low] ECR Registry allows mutable tags
  Info:    The AWS ECR registry does not enforce immutable tags. Image tags can
           be modified post deployment
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-126
  Path:    resource > aws_ecr_repository[foo] > image_tag_mutability
  File:    modules/ecr/main.tf
  Resolve: Set `image_tag_mutability` attribute to `IMMUTABLE`

  [Low] CloudWatch log group not encrypted with managed key
  Info:    Log group is not encrypted with customer managed key. Scope of use of
           the key cannot be controlled via KMS/IAM policies
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-AWS-415
  Path:    resource > aws_cloudwatch_log_group[frontend] > kms_key_id
  File:    modules/ecs/main.tf
  Resolve: Set `kms_key_id` attribute with customer managed key id

  [Low] AWS Security Group allows open egress
  Info:    The inline security group rule allows open egress. Open egress can be
           used to exfiltrate data to unauthorized destinations, and enable
           access to potentially malicious resources
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-73
  Path:    resource > aws_security_group[ecs_tasks] > egress
  File:    modules/ecs/main.tf
  Resolve: Set `egress.cidr_blocks` attribute to specific ranges e.g.

Medium Severity Issues: 4

  [Medium] AWS Security Group Rule allows public access
  Info:    That inbound traffic is allowed to a resource from any source instead
           of a restricted range. That potentially everyone can access your
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-37
  Path:    resource > aws_security_group_rule[alb_http] > cidr_blocks
  File:    modules/alb/main.tf
  Resolve: Set `cidr_blocks` attribute to specific IP range only, e.g.

  [Medium] Load balancer endpoint does not enforce HTTPS
  Info:    Load balancer endpoint does not enforce HTTPS. The content could be
           intercepted and manipulated in transit
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-47
  Path:    resource > aws_lb_listener[http] > protocol
  File:    modules/alb/main.tf
  Resolve: Set the `protocol` attribute to `HTTPS` or `TLS`

  [Medium] Non-encrypted S3 Bucket
  Info:    Non-encrypted S3 Bucket. A non-encrypted S3 bucket increases the
           likelihood of unintentional data exposure
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-4
  Path:    input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[artifacts_store]
  File:    modules/codepipeline/s3.tf
  Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, set `server_side_encryption_configuration`
           block attribute. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0 add
           aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration resource.

  [Medium] Security Group allows open ingress
  Info:    That inbound traffic is allowed to a resource from any source instead
           of a restricted range. That potentially everyone can access your
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-1
  Path:    input > resource > aws_security_group[ecs_tasks] > ingress
  File:    modules/ecs/main.tf
  Resolve: Set `cidr_block` attribute with a more restrictive IP, for example

High Severity Issues: 1

  [High] S3 block public ACLs control is disabled
  Info:    Bucket does not prevent creation of public ACLs. Anyone who can
           manage bucket's ACLs will be able to grant public access to the
  Rule:    https://snyk.io/security-rules/SNYK-CC-TF-95
  Path:    resource > aws_s3_bucket[artifacts_store]
  File:    modules/codepipeline/s3.tf
  Resolve: Set the `aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block` `block_public_acls` field
           to true.


Test Summary

  Organization: runble1
  Project name: resource

✔ Files without issues: 13
✗ Files with issues: 5
  Ignored issues: 0
  Total issues: 17 [ 0 critical, 1 high, 4 medium, 12 low ]



  New: Share your test results in the Snyk Web UI with the option --report


Snyk CLI の利用方法がわかった。




Snyk CLI

